GCSSD will be using the Learning Management System, Schoology, starting this school year! Schoology will be used with all GCSSD students K-12 grade. It will be used a platform for communication between students and teachers. Teachers, students, and parents can access engaging content, assignments, and other instructional materials anytime, anywhere on any device. Use the links below to expand your student's learning and stay informed of the learning taking place at school.
Schoology (how to log in!): https://www.gcssd.org/o/gcssd/page/schoology-lms Schoology log-in is student username plus @gcssd.org (acater@gcssd.org)
Link Library: https://www.gcssd.org/o/gcssd/page/students-link-library Digital Learning Academy: https://www.gcssd.org/o/gcssd/page/digital-learning-academy
Additionally, GCSSD is requiring all student to have a permission form on file for digital learning. Please fill out a form for each GCSSD student. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/3DZWXJG